
C4d character rigging
C4d character rigging

c4d character rigging

That is your rig completed but there is one last tab you can play with if you choose and it can be fun once you've set everything up. To make quick adjustments here you can paint directly on the mesh, with any bone selected in the joints list (in the attributes) The paint tool will be active in the viewport once you double click the weight tag. Weighting can be a complex subject but ti is worth noting here, even though the character tool does a very good job, specially if you have moved the components into good starting positions. The model will be coloured the same as the name in the list and you can adjust the radius of the bones influence here.

c4d character rigging

There you can select each bone and see the area of influence it has on the model. If you double click it your character will turn black but you will also have all the bones listed and colour coded in your attributes manager. On its own it doesn't look much but some new tags will have been added. All you need to do is move to the Bind tab and a new Skin object will be created beneath your mesh.

c4d character rigging

With your rig built and everything moved into the correct position you need to bind it to the mesh, so that your animation of the joints is carried over to your figure. Also note how adjusting the shoulder will move everything below it in the chain, so always start at the joint nearest the start of the hierarchy. With symmetry still enabled you will halve the time the adjustments take.

c4d character rigging

Give a slight angle to the elbows, so aid animating later. Now, go back in to the adjust tab and align the arm components with your mesh. The figure templates make good guesses at what will be attached where and it streamlines the process, showing the options you need when and where you need them. You can ignore these but by now you should be getting to grips with how the system works. The arms should be selected now and you will have the option to ad fingers and thumbs. This will add both a left and right, with colour coding to help you visualise and organise. To save time and make your rig symmetrical hold down Ctrl as you click the arm button. Choose FK for this again and an arm rig will be added to the hierarchy. Under the arm option you will see FK/IK options again. Now head back to the build tab and select the spine again. Click image to enlarge (opens in new tab)

C4d character rigging