What is SPAN and how do you configure it? This document answers the most common questions about SPAN, such as: This document is not intended to be an alternate configuration guide for the SPAN feature.

However, the latest releases of the Catalyst OS (CatOS) introduced great enhancements and many new possibilities that are now available to the user.

Previously, SPAN was a relatively basic feature on the Cisco Catalyst Series switches. The network analyzer can be a Cisco SwitchProbe device or other Remote Monitoring (RMON) probe. The SPAN feature, which is sometimes called port mirroring or port monitoring, selects network traffic for analysis by a network analyzer. Fully animated cutscenes and voice over: with hundreds of lines of voice over, great animation, and fully animated cutscenes, we didn’t spare any expense to make an immersive experience.This document describes the recent features of the Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN) that have been implemented.Choose your own game mode: with 5 different game modes and extensive custom generation options, each player can play the way they prefer.Randomly generated world: locations, threats, and loot are randomly generated so each playthrough is vastly different and you’ll never get complacent.Deep customization of builds: each play through is different as you create your own strategy using agents, items, augments and programs, and adapt to your surroundings.Character selection: Start with any of the 10 unlockable agents in the game, plus 6 agent variants, and 6 starting programs to crack corporate security.Klei Entertainment, the independent studio behind the hit games Mark of the Ninja and Don't Starve, presents: Invisible, Inc. Stealth, precision, and teamwork are essential in high-stakes, high-profit missions, where every move may cost an agent their life. Take control of Invisible's agents in the field and infiltrate the world's most dangerous corporations.